Sep 18, 2009

Friday Football

When we were first married, I used to hate that every Friday during football season was spent up at the Holt Arena watching high school football. But now I look forward and get so excited to go to the dome on Friday nights. Tonight's game was fun because it was Century vs. Highland. I went to Century and Cole went to Highland so we kinda had a little rivalry thang goin' on. Highland won...dangit. Oh well, it makes for a fun night of football and people watching. ha. Tomorrow is my free day. yipee! The first thing I'm going to do is eat that piece of chocolate peanut butter fudge Cole's parents brought back from the Tillamook factory in Oregon. I can't believe that I've made it through 3 weeks of BFL already. That means I'm 1/4 done with Challenge Numero Tres!! I started the day off with my Upper body workout.

Cole even sported his state ring from when they were state champs at Highland. dork.
UBWO - 9:15 am
Bench Press 12, 10, 8, 6, 12
Pushups 12

DB Rows 12, 10, 8, 6, 12
Machine Rows 12

Shoulder Press 12, 10, 8, 6, 12
Shoulder Front Raises 12

DB Tricep Extension 12, 10, 8, 6, 12
Cable Tricep Pull Down 12

DB Bicep Curls 12, 10, 8, 6, 12
Preacher Curls 12

MEAL ONE - 10:15
Strawberry Chocolate Protein Shake
MEAL TWO - 12:30 pm
Garbonzo Beans, Cottage Cheese, Ranch Dressing
MEAL THREE - 3:00 pm
Yogurt, string cheese, mixed nuts
MEAL FOUR - 5:45 pm
Blueberry Protein Muffins
MEAL FIVE - 6:45 pm
Chicken Tacos - Chicken, black beans, brown rice, FF sour cream, salsa, and ww tortillas.
MEAL SIX - 10:00 pm
Strawberry Banana Protein Shake. Delish!

We came home from the game and watched a little Boise State Football and Rob Dyrdek's Fantasy Factory. Oh boy is that Rob Dyrdek a crazy kid...or should I say man... he's like 36 or something. Well better go beddy bye. Soccer nets in the morning....and chocolate pb fudge! NIGHT!


  1. I wish we lived close by so you could make me another one of those yummy chocolate, banana shakes. So When do you post some before and after shots?

  2. ha, I don't know about before and after shots. I have the before shots, but they are in my undies.... Now I'm 4 weeks in. I should have taken some in my swimsuit or something so that I would feel comfortable posting them.
