Jul 31, 2011

Little Adventure

They say they named New York City after the state because it was such a great city. So, is this true for Idaho City as well? Well........I don't know about that. Cole and I wanted to dig deep and find the adventure with in ourselves (ha ha that sounds kinda cheesy) so we decided to venture over to Idaho City, an old mining ghost town.

We actually had a really fun time. We packed a lunch and drinks in a cooler and walked around and looked at all the old western buildings. Here's a fun Idaho History fact for ya: Idaho City was once the biggest city in Idaho. People rushed there because gold was discover and mined there. A $250 million in gold was mined back in the day even more than the California gold rush. Now, the population of Idaho City is 458.

The first place that really caught our attention was this weird junk building that had a bunch of random crap all over on it. Those guys from American Pickers would die to get their hands on this place.
We thought that the Pest House was pretty interesting. They threw criminals and people with communicable diseases in here. Which seems very sad to me, but at the time they had no other means to control diseases.
They even had a fast draw competition going on. There were cowboys and cowgirls with their holsters ready to draw and shoot at targets. We are glad we are trying to be a little more adventurous, it makes life so much more interesting and fun. Next week, we're going on a river rafting trip down the Payette. Watch out for the new thrill seeking Cole and Cicily (not really...we can't hardly even go on a roller coaster, but we're trying!:))

Jul 27, 2011

Kitty Purrry

Last Saturday I was able to go to the Katy Perry concert with Cole's cousins and it was amazing! It was a huge production and we had a blast! Probably the best concert I've ever been to. Robyn opened for her and she has some pretty sweet dance moves. Here are a couple of pics from the concert.

So excited before the concert started!!!

The whole set, dancers, and costumes were incredible
Boise is so fun because there is always something to go and do. I really like it over here.
Until next time...

Jul 17, 2011

An American Safari

Over the 4th of July we went on our traditional camping trip with Cole's family to Grand Teton National Park. We've gone every year since we've been married. The beauty of the Tetons and surrounding areas never cease to amaze me. This year we were in for a real treat. We've had such a cold spring, there was still a lot of snow in the mountains making it so the animals were much lower than usual. We saw a ton of amazing wildlife. I seriously thought I was watching one of those Planet Earth movies. Because I was caught up in the moment, I didn't get as many pictures as I would have liked, but here is some proof of how much fun we had.

Every night, when the animals would come out
of the wood works we would go "animal searching". This was our first night there.
This is what happens when an animal is spotted by a tourist - traffic jam.
Luckily Cole and I were able to sleep in a car or in his parent's trailer. If we had to sleep in a tent, I don't think I would get a wink of sleep because there were definitely bears in the area.
We were so lucky to have a mama grizzly raising her two cubs a few miles from where we were camping. Every night we would go down and spot her playing with her babies. Can you spot the bear and cubs below?
Here's another picture of the bears crossing the road. People got so close outside of their cars that it scared me.
Down where the bear was living there was also a herd of elk with their babies. One night we saw the bear trying to chase them down. Just when we thought that was cool, one morning we went down to the area and guess what we saw?! Seven wolves hunting the elk. The elk were rearing up trying to kick the wolves. As hard as they tried to protect their babies, the wolves got down a baby elk. It was sad, but amazing to see. I was too caught up in the moment to take pictures of that, but here is the herd of elk.
For the 4th of July, we went into Jackson Hole and watched the Bar-J Wranglers sing old cowboy songs - always a good time. We also watched the fireworks. I forgot my camera so I didn't get any pictures of that day. :(

And of course, we had to go boating!! The water was way too cold to wake board so we ended up just jumping in a few times.

Cole's brother and sister Nick and Jill
What are you looking at Cole?
Why it's a beautiful mountain waterfall!
Got a little too much sun.
Cole's mom, Annie, somehow got a horseshoe stuck in the tree. Watch out!
Nick and Cole played rock paper scissors for everything. Who sits in the middle, who's going to clean up, etc. It was pretty funny.
We all went to Yellowstone the day after a man was mauled by a bear - a very sad story. We visited the water fall which was only about a mile away from where it happened.
A gift shop in Yellowstone.
Cole was our fire-making specialist.
Cole was so proud of this "log cabin" fire.
Is there a bear out there? EEK!
Every morning we would walk down and get hot cocoa. Cole and his dad below.
Ray, Nick, and Cole at Two Oceans Lake

Tell me this isn't the prettiest place in the world!
I hope all of you are having a wonderful summer!