Oct 24, 2013

4 months old

Quinn turned 4 months last Tuesday! Today she got her check up and shots. She's all tuckered out and sleeping on my lap right now. 

Quinn is becoming such a fun baby. I don't think she enjoyed being an infant at all. She was and still can be a little difficult. But she has ALOT of personality. She smiles on demand, but also has a little attitude when she doesn't get what she wants when she wants it. I think she is going to give us a run for our money.

She is our everything though!! We love her to pieces. Some of her recent milestones since 2 months are: grabbing everything in sight, rolling over, and sleeping much better (but still working on it). She has become so much happier now that the world entertains her more. 

She loves to go shopping with me in the baby Bjorne. She kicks and squeals as we walk around. A lot if people say wow she is so happy isn't she? I say "Well, the girl loves Target just like her mama! She's happy to be here".

Here are some recent pics of my little diva. 

She conquered her toy. One night it got quiet so I looked down. She had some how turned sideways and was on top of her toy. 

Morning walk

Grabbing her toes

Loving to spit

Target trip

Chipmunk cheeks

At least she thinks I'm funny

Sunday best

Before shots

After shots

Love you Quinnie! You are our everything!!