Sep 3, 2009

Baby Suzanne!!

Today was a great day! Last night at 9:30 pm, I became the aunt to another baby girl. Baby Suzanne! She is adorable. My sis-in-law had a really fast 40 minutes. I'm so excited for Dane and Molly! There second child and first baby girl. I went to the hospital today and got to hold her. It almost makes me baby hungry. No!... be strong Cic. This morning I woke up to our neighbor's dog barking. We are surrounded by dogs on all sides of our apartment and I must say it gets a little annoying when a dog barks for 3 straight hours and you can't shut your windows cuz it's too hot. I even yelled out the door "SHUT UP DOG!!" in no general direction cuz I can't pin point where the dog's bark is actually coming from.

Today started out with a little HIIT
HIIT - 8:45 am
Minute 1 = 11:00 minute pace
Minute 2 = 10:00 minute pace
Minute 3 = 9:00 minute pace
Minute 4 = 8:00 minute pace
Minute 5 = 11:00 minute pace
Minute 6 = 10:30 minute pace
Minute 7 = 9:30 minute pace
Minute 8 = 9:00 minute pace
Minute 9 = 8:00 minute pace
Minute 10 = 11:00 minute pace
Minute 11 = 10:00 minute pace
Minute 12 = 9:30 minute pace
Minute 13= 9:00 minute pace
Minute 14= 8:00 minute pace
Minute 15 = 10:00 minute pace
Minute 16 = 9:00 minute pace
Minute 17= 9:30 minute pace
Minute 18 = 8:30 minute pace
Minute 19 = I don't really know what pace I was going, but I was hawling bootay up hill. I felt like I was going to hurl.
Minute 20 = 11:00 minute pace

MEAL ONE - 9:15 am
Chocolate Blueberry Protein Shake - milk, frozen blueberries, chocolate protien powder. It was pretty good. But I think it would be better with vanilla protein powder. I needa get me some a dat.

MEAL TWO - 12:15 pm
Left over Thai Chicken stir fry with a little bit of yummy cilantro bean salad - black beans, onions, corn, cilantro, lime juice, vinegar. MMMM my sister made it. I went up there today at lunch to say hi. Took some pics. My awesome nephews are Jack and Cade. My sis is about 5 months prego and still as skinny as ever. My nephews crack me up. Jack (little one) asked me "Cicily, why are you always coming up here?" I said "Because I want to see you dude". I guess he wasn't as excited to see me as I was to see
I then preceded to go to a class and afterward I got to see precious Suzanne and her mommy Molly who looked awesome for just giving birth. I got to hold her and watch all of her funny facial expressions... Suzanne I mean. It kinda sounded like I meant Molly. ha.

MEAL THREE - 3:15 pm
Apple and two string cheeses. I was so hungry! I think my metabolism is really kicking into gear. Whoa! Don't forget to take that sticker off the apple cic. I don't remember ever taking it off. I probably ate it.

MEAL FOUR - 5:15 pm
Peanut Butter Chocolate Protein Shake. I think I will add a banana to this next time and call it Chunkey Monkey Shake. It was delicious. Lovin the bullet still. I think I need to give my Magic Bullet a name.

MEAL FIVE - 7:45 pm
Can you guess what it was? Left over Thai Stir Fry with some grapes. I wasn't very hungry so I didn't have any rice. Just the veggies and the chicken. And some grapes. Washed it down with some Crystal Light.

Wow I can't believe I'm finished with DAY FOUR!! I feel great, I have so much more energy. My calves are so sore. Ouch. So long, fair well, Altvedersane (sp?), Goodnight!

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