Sep 24, 2009


I have done very well on BFL this week considering the fact that I have been craving some sweets like nobody's business! I have one more day of clean eating and then I have my much needed FREE DAY. Can't wait. I can't put my finger on what I want to eat. Something sweet that is for sure. I think I'm definitely gonna have to go for my favorite movie treat -- Popcorn and hot tamales. That combo is just mmm mmm good. A little salty and a little sweet.

MEAL ONE - 9:00 am
Horchatta Protein Shake - Ice, water, vanilla protein powder, and cinnamon.

MEAL TWO - 12:30 pm
Great Harvest Turkey Sandwich. I was so hungry that I scarfed down almost the whole thing before we could get home for me to take a pic. So this is all you get to see of my moist, satisfying, delectable sandwich.

This picture is really pathetic...I know. It doesn't do the sandwich justice.
MEAL THREE - 3:30 pm
Garbanzo Beans, cottage cheese, and ranch dressing mix. Ha. My friend could not believe that this could possibly be a good combo when she looked at my blog today. But I'm tellin' ya, its the only way I can stomach cottage cheese. I hate cottage cheese, but in this it's tasty. You should try it!

MEAL FOUR - 5:15 pm
One Caramel Rice Cake with PB on it. I was so hungry for some reason, but I didn't want to eat too much cuz I was going to play b-ball and then on a run. So I just grabbed this for a quick fix.

HIIT - 6:45 pm
2.21 miles
268 calories
9:36 average pace
5:54 best pace <----- whoo hoo! I maintained this for a whole minute.

Here I am all sweaty again. It feels so good!
MEAL FIVE -7:30 pm
1/2 Baked potato with cottage cheese and salsa.
Small salad with onions, green peppers, and honey mustard dressing.

MEAL SIX - 10:15 pm
Strawberry Chocolate Protein Shake

Bring on the weekend baby! I'm ready for ya! Be healthy, it feels great! Goodnight to all ya'll!


  1. Glad you dont read what I are so dedicated. Amzes me. As for cottage cheese...I can't stand the texture of it so I may be missing out.

  2. With all them beans your eatin' you gotta have lots of gas. You and Cole can just hang out together and be gassy all you want I guess! How cute!Ha!
