Sep 14, 2009

16 Hours of Studying

Seriously...I woke up at 8:00 am this morning and began studying. I had a ton of reading to do and I had a test to study for. I didn't even make it into work cuz I was studying. This dang school is getting on my nerves. But I guess soon enough I will be done FOREVER!! 8 months to be exact. I did very good with BFL today considering the fact that I was sooo busy. I started off the day with:

MEAL ONE - 9:00 am
Veggie Omelet - 2 eggs, 1/4 c. skim milk, diced tomatoes, mushrooms, and onions. I paired it with some whole wheat toast and it became a tasty little breakfast.
MEAL TWO - 12:15 pm
Horchatta Protein Shake (this is what I'm going to call my vanilla cinnamon shake from now on because that is what it reminds me of).

MEAL THREE - 2:30 pm
Cold leftover spaghetti (remember when I made this a few days ago?) It was ehhh so-so. I was stuck at the Student Union Building studying and that is all I had, but hey it kept me going and filled me up.

MEAL FOUR - 5:45 pm
Flax and Pumpkin Seed granola and a string cheese. My sister-in-law gave me the granola and it is very tasty (thanks Jill!) I can't wait to try it with some yogurt and fruit.

MEAL FIVE - 7:15 pm
Pier 49 Chicken Caesar Salad. Yeah...most of you probably know that you get pizza at Pier 49...sour dough pizza that is delicious. Cole and his parents got pizza, but I stayed strong and had a salad even though the pizza smelled and looked soooo good. Cole's parent just got back from the Oregon coast and they brought us back some Tillamook Chocolate Peanut Butter fudge. Cole was being a meanie-butt by eating it in front of me, smacking his lips, and blowing his breath in my face.

UBWO - 8:30 pm
I stayed home to do the workout tonight cuz I just have so much reading to do.
Pushups 12,10,8,6,12
DB Bench 12

Pullups 12, 10, 8, 6, 12
DB Flies 12

Should front and side raises 12, 10, 8, 6, 12
Shoulder press 12

Bent over curls against the leg (yeah...I can't remember what these are called 12, 10, 8, 6, 12

Tricep Kickbacks 12, 10, 8, 6, 12
Bodyweight tricep pushups 12

MEAL SIX - 10:00 pm
Chocolate Protien Shake

Sad story: I think that I have given my special little bullet blender all that it can handle cuz it didn't sound so good tonight. Cole thinks we should take it back and get a new one. Maybe it just needs a rest. I feel like I've developed a relationship with my bullet the last couple weeks...I don't want to take it back. But I guess if we get a new one...Okay I have 100 pages to read by 1:00 pm tommorrow so I better run. BEDDY BYE!

Dear Magic Bullet,

Please get well soon. I like you alot. You make such delicious shakes. Please don't make me take you back.


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