Oct 16, 2009

Real Texas Deer

Happy Friday to ya'll. Hope you all have fun things planned for this weekend. I know I do...not. Cole is hunting for Bambi once again. But I guess I am looking forward to sleeping in, watching GLEE, and fixing myself a free day breakfast. I have been doing really good at the goals that I made earlier this week. I've gotten all of my workouts in. The one thing that I'm still struggling with is working out in the morning. BUT I did wake up and run this morning. This is just the perfect weather for running. Breathing in that crisp cool air brings a smile to my face.

I went to Real Deals this afternoon. For those of you who don't know what Real Deals is, its a home decor warehouse with really cheap and cute decorating stuff. I HATE THIS STORE! Well actually I love it so much I hate it...Its a love-hate relationship. I want to buy everything in there. I look around and look around because I want to buy something because its all cute and then I end up buying something that I didn't even need and don't know where to put it when I get home. Like this fruit bowl. Ha. We hardly have room on our counters and I bought a fruit bowl. But I guess it can also pose as a serving bowl for some yunmy pasta or salad.

I also bought a really yummy smelling fall candle titled "grandma's kitchen"... need I say anymore about how good it smells?

Lets get down to business.

HIIT - 9:00 am
I was a little slower today. I'm having some major DOMS. I did p90x Leg workout last night and it kills my legs. Ouch!

2.06 miles
254 calories
9:58 average pace
7:26 best pace
MEAL ONE - 9:45 am
Peanut Butter and Banana Protein Smoothie - 1/2 banana, 2 tablespoons of PB, ice, vanilla protein powder, and I used milk today. I don't know why. I don't like it with milk anymore. It makes it too rich like I'm drinking melted ice cream or something. Melted ice cream? I guess that can't be too bad.

MEAL TWO - 1:00 pm
Tuna fish on Black bread. Oh how I love Black bread. it is so delicious!! Yummers!
MEAL THREE - 3:30 pm
One Leftover Chicken Enchilada (I meant to blog about these Chicken Enchiladas a few days ago. They were really good and totally BFL friendly. I got the recipe out of my Eating For Life cookbook.)
MEAL FOUR - 5:30 pm
One Rice Cake...pathetic.

MEAL FIVE - 8:30 pm
Texas Road House Baby...yeehaw! I got their Grilled Chicken Salad and it was fabulous!! Everyone ordered a cactus blossom so I will confess I had a few pieces of that fried onion delight.

Slice of Life - We went to dinner with Cole's cousin Brett and his wife. The two boys went hunting this morning and told us a really sad and but kinda funny story. Here is my pathetic attempt to reiterate it. They came onto some deer just up a mountain. So they started sneaking up on them so that Brett could get his first shot at a deer. They were being really quiet as they crept towards the deer and all of a sudden a white trash car comes driving past them through the sage brush (there wasn't even a road!) trying to get the deer before them. Cole and Brett were soooo mad. A few seconds later they heard a gun shot so they ran up to the top to see if they shot the deer and they had, but it didn't quite kill the deer. So the guy in the car got out and started wrestling with the deer! Yeah wrestling with it...rolling around and everything. Stupid people! Isn't that ridiculous?

Well I better get to sleep. I have a big day tomorrow...not. Sleep tight.

Cicily :)


  1. That hunting story cracks me up. Too bad they didn't catch it on video. I want that enchilada recipe. I am in a serious cooking funk!

    We're still hoping to get down that way for Tgiving. We'll see. With moving and my big huge belly and all it might be too much.Miss ya Sis! Keep up the good work.

  2. That would be so awesome if you guys came down!! But I would definitely understand it if you didn't. You have a lot on your plate right now. Miss you too!
