Oct 7, 2009

Breakfast fail <---------

Wow. Its been like a whole week since I last blogged. I was really on a role there for a while. I just got busy with school and everything. I have been eating good and working out despite my MIA from the blogging world. My friend Carrie and I went on a 5 miles run on Saturday! I thought I would die cuz I've only been doing interval training with short distances, but it felt pretty good and I made it through.

Last weekend was awesome! We went down to SLC for Cole's missionary reunion and despite hitting very heavy BYU Football Game/General Conference traffic, we made it to the reunion. It took us like 1 1/2 hours to go 20 miles. Ugh. I'm sorry but I could never live down there. By the time we got there, we could only stay for like 15 minutes cuz we had to meet some friends for dinner back in Salt Lake. It was actually not as awkward as I thought it was going to be. All of his companions gave me huge hugs and I got the meet his missionary president and wife. They were so nice and fun. I must say that I just love General Conference. The examples and talks of all the church leaders just strengthen my testimony of the gospel sooooo much! Elder Holland's talk about the Book of Mormon just amazed me.

Well the meaning of my title explains how my morning went today. I got up all ambitious thinking I was going to make Cole and I each a killer omlet ---->FAIL! Cole's was soggy and mine just looked gross cuz I tried to mix salsa in with it and it just looked like...sorry if I gross you out... bloody eggs. yuck. If any of you have tips on how to make a good omlet, please inform me.
So to plan B - I know I can always rely on my trusty magic bullet. So because I was now running late due to the failed attempt at omlets, I had cole whip me up a horchatta protein shake to drink on my way to class. I made it out the door and was driving to class and my protein drink dumped all over my backpack, smearing it with cinnamon and filling in all the little creases of it. So I had to haul all of my books and binder and writing utensils to class without my backpack. Oh gees.

MEAL ONE - 10:45 am
Part of a horchatta protein shake

MEAL TWO - 12:15 pmGerman Oat Mess - Old fashioned oats, Light 'n fit vanilla yogurt, cottage cheese, and almonds. I thought I would try cottage cheese instead of protein powder cuz I figure its better to eat more "natural" foods. But I just don't like cottage cheese. It was good unless I got a big gulp of cottage cheese in it.
MEAL THREE - 3:15 pm
Turkey roll up with honey mustard dressing.
MEAL FOUR - 7:00 pm
Malaysian Pizza with WW crust. Mmm. I definitely think this is my favorite meal ever. Thank you Lee and Molly for introducing it into my life. I know I can't thank you enough. I took a healthy cooking class at ISU and we had to make a healthy dish for our final. I made this and I WON! No big prizes, just some random spices. If you would like the recipe to Malaysian Pizza, just go here.
UBWO - 8:30 pm
I will confess I did not do my HIIT yesterday so I threw a little cardio into my UBWO

10 minutes of HIIT - I was going to do 20 mins, but my legs are so tired from leg day still.

DB Chest press 12, 10, 8, 6, 12
Push-ups 12

DB Bent Over Rows 12, 10, 8, 6, 12
Machine Rows 12

Shoulder Press 12, 10, 8, 6, 12
Shoulder Raises 12

DB Bicep Curls 12, 10, 8, 6, 12
Hammer Curls 12

Tricep Extensions 12, 10, 8, 6, 12
Tricep Kick-backs 12

5 Minute cool down on treadmill.

MEAL FIVE - 9:00 pmTis the season for a Pumpkin Protein Shake - Canned pumpkin, water, ice, vanilla protein powder. Mmmm. Tasted like pumkin pie.
Well this is my sixth week of BFL! That means after this week, I will be HALF WAY DONE!! I wouldn't say done, but done with this challenge. I have really tried to have the mindset throughout this challenge that its not going to be over in 12 weeks. I am going to be healthy for the rest of my life, thus, the Title of my Blog: Healthy 4 Life.

I just wanted to recap some of my beginning goals and compare them with what I've achieved so far:

1. 17% Body fat
2. Size 6 pants (ha ha, I went and looked at my first post with my goals on it and I had a typo and wrote that my goal was to fit into a size 63! Whoa, big gulps eh?)
3. 140 pounds

1. Body fat will be tested on Friday (I will let you know)
2. I do not have a pair of size 6 pants, but all my pants are getting loose. I know that when Cole starts calling me Poopy Pants -- when my jeans are sagging too much and it looks like I've pooped my pants -- then my pants are getting a little baggy. ha.
3. 150 pounds whoo! I've lost about 8 pounds so far. 10 more to go! yippee!

I also want to set a new goal: To get my lazy self out of bed in the morning to workout. I don't have class until 11, I dunno what my problem is. I end up having to workout at night now which I hate. Well better do some HW! Goodnight, Sleep tight!

Cicily :)

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for inspiring me to eat better. I can't say I actually follow through on the inspiration but I definitely think about all the healthy food you're eating as I'm shoving in leftover Mac n cheese, sandwich crusts, and half eaten apple slices.
    That made me laugh about your goal of being size 63. You deserve to go buy a new pair of jeans. As Stacy and Clinton would say "you wear clothes that fit your body the way it is now". So go treat yourself girl!
