Nov 15, 2009

I've gone over to the...

dark side.
I decided to dye my hair dark for the winter. It's pretty dark. Sometimes I forget and then look in the mirror and go "whoa! who's dat?". I know I have been really MIA when it comes to BFL. But don't worry I've been eating healthy and working out. I just got done with an UBWO and my biceps are like jell-o. I've just been super busy with school. THIS IS MY LAST WEEK OF BFL!!! CAN YOU BELIEVE IT? I CAN'T...

Have a good week!

Cicily :0


  1. Love the dark hair. Very, sexy and mysterious. Sometimes I look in the mirror and say "whoa, I'm so blonde". I thought I was always a brunette. I've been thinking of going dark too, mostly just to save the money on the expensive highlights.
    Send me some pics. of your new body. OK that sounded kinda weird. Love you lots.

  2. Noticed the color Sunday and thought wow that looks awesome but for some reason never got the words out of my mouth. Love it.
