Nov 4, 2009

Hi yaw!

Hi yaw! That is what I was saying today in my self defense class. We learned how to block punches and give punches. My favorite punch is the open-fist punch where you punch that sucker with the palm of your hand right up in their nose so their eyes water. Yeeeah. ha. Well remember yesterday when I said I was frustrated about buying pants? Well I went to the mall again today and I tried on a ton of jeans and I found a really great pair that I love!! Best part...they came with a price tag of 29 buckaroos. I was also happy because my size has gone down since I first started BFL. Yay yay!

UBWO - 8:00am
DB Chest Flies 12, 10, 8, 6, 12
Push-ups 12

DB Back Flies 12, 10, 8, 6, 12
DB Rows 12

Shoulder Press 12, 10, 8, 6, 12
Shoulder Raises 12

Cable Bicep Curls 12, 10, 8, 12
DB Decline Bicep Curls 12

Cable Tricep pulldowns 12, 10, 8, 6, 12
Tricep Dips 12

Abs 6 x 20

MEAL ONE - 9:30 am
Whole Wheat Protein Pancakes topped with strawberries. Tasty tasty.

I used this whole wheat pancake mix, but added protein powder to the mix
I heated some frozen strawberries on the stove and got this finished product.

MEAL TWO - 12:15 pm
Chicken Salad on toasted sandwich thins topped with spinach. mmm

MEAL THREE - 2:30 pm
Left over protein pancake at work and light raspberry yogurt. I'm glad no one saw me chomping on a cold pancake at 2:30 in the afternoon. But it was pretty tasty.

MEAL FOUR - 5:15 pm
Rice cake and a spoon full of PB to tide me over til din din was ready.

MEAL FIVE - 6:30 pm
Tacos topped with lettuce, avocado, salsa, and fat free sour cream wrapped in a whole wheat tortilla. pure mexican goodness. you also get a good view of my mail in the background.

MEAL SIX - 9:15 pm
Chocolate Banana Protein Smoothie
And we're headed on a downslope to the weekend. Can't wait. I finished up a paper tonight which brings me one step closer to being done with this semester. Feels good.

So long, farewell, alf vedersein, goodnight!

Cicily :)


  1. Hooray for finding jeans! There's nothing better! I put on some sweats last night that I hadn't worn for a week or so, and I swear they barely made it over my hips. Being prego can really make me sad sometimes. "It's all worth it though". Gotta keep telling myself that.
    Love ya!

  2. Yeah. I was excited! I'm sure you look great. The baby is due in like 2 months. I'm sure you'll be back in shape in no time. I was thinking we should run the Helvetia Half Marathon in June if you're feeling up to it.
