Aug 31, 2009

DAY ONE in the BAG

Today was the first day of Body for Life and overall it went super well. There were a few small bumps that I had to overcome such as my class lasting 1 1/2 hours longer than I expected so I didn't get my fourth meal in, and our neighbors inviting us to go to our fav mexican restaurant. But we settled for our own little mexican homeade meal instead. Oh...Drinking 130 ounces of water = lotsa pee at the most unconvenient times.

7:55 am up and at 'em to head to the gym for my upperbody workout

8:30 - 9:15 am UBWO =Upper Body Workout

Chest - DB Bench press 12, 10, 8, 6, 12
Pushups 12

Back - DB Flies 12, 10, 8, 6, 12
Pullups 12 (I can't do the "real" ones yet, only assisted)

Shoulders - DB Shoulder Press 12, 10, 8, 6, 12
DB Side and Front Raises 12

Biceps - DB Curls 12, 10, 8, 6, 12
Preacher Curls 12

Tricep - DB Tri - Extensions 12, 10, 8, 6, 12
Tricep Kickbacks 12

9:30 am - MEAL ONE
1 Egg, 2 egg whites, w/lowfat cheese and green onions
1/2 banana
some grapes

The eggs were great. The green onions added some good flavor to the eggs. We also got some seasoning we call "fire salt" that Cole's bro brought us from Chicago and it gives it kinda a salty spicey flavor - moy delicioso!

I got this pink water bottle at Grand Teton this last summer. I love the straw in it. It really makes me drink so much more water. I plan on drinking at least 3-4 of these a day! I'm wondering if my bladder will get used to this because I seriously peed like 20 times today.

12:15 am - MEAL TWO
Chocolate Protein Shake w/ 1/2 banana

Our blender sucks! There was still big lumps of banana in it after it was blended for like a whole minute. I'm excited cuz Cole said I could go buy a Bullet Blender though.

2:15 pm - MEAL THREE
-Tuna Fish on Whole Wheat Black Bread - YUMMO! This bread is delicious! I luv Costco!
-Bean Salad consisting of a number of different beans, onions, red and green peppers, water chesnuts and a little vinegar, water, and splenda. This salad is great except I'm not a big fan of water chestnuts.

5:15 pm - MEAL FOUR
insert meal here. My class went way to long so I missed this meal. Oh well. You win some you lose some.

8:15 pm - MEAL FIVE
Mexican night! Chicken Fajitas w/ green peppers and onions, and FF sour cream. I was stuffed after just one even after missing my last meal.

I'm not crying cuz I'm sad. Those onions just really get to me. I usually wear my ski goggles when I cut up onions, but they are packed away for the summer.

10:15 pm - MEAL SIX
Chocolate Protein Shake w/1 TB of Peanut Butter
I guess I was so excited to drink this that I forgot to take a pic.

Well, I better get to bed! I have some homework due tommorrow and I have HIIT- High Intensity Interval Training - in the mornin'. Good Night, Sleep Tight.

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