Aug 30, 2009

Count down to the start

I start BFL tomorrow! I made sure that I went shopping yesturday so that everything would go accordingly. I decided that we had better make some yummy and unhealthy recipes this weekend before I start so we made Carbanara last night. It was delicious. Every time we eat carbanara it reminds me of when Cole asked me to marry him because that is what he fixed me that special night. And for dessert we decided to continue on with the italian theme and have italian sodas. That put me over the top! It was delicious, but we had our friends over to eat and I think it made one of them sick. That heavy cream can do that to you sometimes.
Today, on the menu we had left over Carbanara for lunch of course and I threw in another italian soda to wash it down. Tonight...we are having my specialty - eggrolls. Cole's dad loves them and it was his birthday so we are going up there to make these deep fat fried delights as well as some chinese fried rice. I got the recipe for the rice from my mom. I dunno about spam and its artificiallness(real word?), but it calls for it so I guess I'll give it a whirl. I guess I eat hot dogs and who know what's in those!
Ya know its probably is not the best mentality to try and shove all this crap in my body before I start something, but I guess for the most part I try to eat healthy so this little weekend of indulgence won't hurt before I go hard core.
My fridge is stocked - I bought 2 dozen eggs cause I know that will be a large portion of my diet for the next 12 weeks.

My cupboards are stocked - ignore the potato chips . I gotta keep my hubby happy with a few decent snacks. Oh...and as I mentioned before, the spam is for the chinese rice tonight. Costco tuna fish...yum yum

My meal plan is written out for week one. Sorry its kinda hard to read.

My workout plan is written out for the next 84 days

My i-pod is charged and
I wanted to write my goals out so that I have them also to read and motivate me.
My goals for Challenge Numero Tres are:
1. 17% Bodyfat
2. Comfortably fit into a size 6
3. 138-140 lb
4. To realize that although this is a 12 week challenge, I must live healthy for the rest of my life!!

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