Oct 13, 2010


Timing is everything. And the last two months, I've truly learned to trust in the Lord's timing. The economy is rough right now. I came to Boise thinking I would get a job within the first few weeks we got here. This did not happen! And I was frustrated!! I applied and applied and applied, interviewed, interviewed, interviewed, and got denied, denied, and denied. After a while it really started to wear on my confidence. But I kept telling myself that something would come along. Every time I didn't get a job I would feel really sad and wonder what I did wrong or why they didn't like me.

Then a few weeks ago I got called for a phone interview. They liked me so they invited me in to do an in-person interview, then I did a second interview. It was a long process, but it was worth it because I GOT THE JOB!! And the cool thing is that it pays better and the hours are better than any of the other jobs I applied to before. So all the times I prayed to the Lord to please let me get this job and I didn't get the job, He knew what he was doing. He was holding me out for a way better job. I will be a receptionist at an Environmental Engineering Company. I am excited to go shopping for dress clothes. I feel very official because I get my own spot in a parking garage downtown and I ride an elevator to get to the office. Something about riding an elevator to get to work makes me feel important. Ha ha.

Trust in the Lord's timing. He knows what he's doing. I feel so grateful and feel like my prayers were truly answered!

Oct 1, 2010

Sweet Guy

If I were having a really frustrating, bad day, it would make me so happy if someone bought me a a card that sang "Sugar Pie, Honey Bunch" and a bouquet of flowers in my favorite color.
And my hubby did just that. What a sweet guy! I sure am a lucky ducky!

Thanks COLE! You make my life!!I love you!!

Sep 20, 2010

I'm lured to sleep at night

by 12 air conditioners...

right outside our bedroom window. Even in cooler weather our neighbors still do not turn off their air. Sheesh people.

Good news is I got a job. It is not really what I want to do at all, but hey its a job for now. It is at a place that takes calls for AT&T so for those of you that have iPhones and are calling AT&T to complain about something, please be nice. You might just be callin' Cicily! :)

Until next time...

Sep 9, 2010

What I've been up to

Looking for a job, Looking for a job, and looking for a job. I'm so exhausted from looking for a job. It has really been a roller coaster ride for me for the last well all of 2010. It is really frustrating to go to school for six years and not be able to do what you went to school for. I feel like it was a waste of time. I could have been working and getting experience in something else. But then I tell myself to be proud. I am proud, but just a little frustrated. I know that my education will pay off eventually. I can't get a teaching job and the sub lists are even full here in Boise. That is so weird to me. If I can't get a teaching job, I also can't get any other job because they wonder why I don't wanna be a teacher and am afraid I will leave them to be one. AHHH!! Well, call the wahhhmbulance right?? This is helping me get some frustration out. :)

On a happier note, here are some of the other things I've been up to since we moved to Boise.

1. Learning how to get from point A to point B. Now that we have the internet, I can MapQuest everything. That has been nice. I'm really picking it up quickly though.

2. Making zucchini bread. All of our family members have gardens so they stocked us up with lotsa zucchini. So what better to do with all the excess zucchini than to make yummy bread.

3. Watchin' a little Boise State Football. I've always kinda liked BSU ever since we watched them win the Fiesta Bowl on Cole and I's honeymoon about four years ago. It is also soooo fun and exciting to live in a city where there is actual school spirit... Sorry Bengals, but I am definitely joining The Bronco Nation!! On game day we went to the grocery story and almost everyone was in their BSU get-up. Go BSU!!

4. Labor Day Weekend we went up to Red Fish Lake. It was chilly, but really fun. Sorry no pics. I have had no motivation to take pics lately. We just relaxed, went to an old ghost town, and went on a four wheeler ride.

5. Trying to stay busy - cleaning, reading, exploring Boise, going to the temple, floating the Boise river (where Cole got knocked out of the raft by a giant limb hanging from a tree. He did save us all on the raft from getting knocked off and from getting the raft popped. He's my hero.), playing board games, and spying on our neighbors. ha. We live in a big apartment complex so anytime someone walks by our window we check em' out. Seeing if they might me prospects for a future friendship. Ha. So far... no winners. ha. I sound like a loser.

So that is what I've been up to. Just trying to be patient and realize that something will come along. I really like the Boise area a lot, but miss my family and friends. Next time I post hopefully it will be about me getting some great job. See ya later peeps!!

Jul 23, 2010

When life gets you down....


I'm grateful

This guy

This place

These books I'm reading right now

This place I'm about to go on vacation tomorrow!!

My family and friends

My education

This cute pooch...truly a (wo)man's best friend

And a warm bed to sleep in and a roof over my head
Cole and I are headed to Boise in less than 2 weeks. I'm starting to get a little nervous because we don't have jobs and I don't know anyone or where any things at. But I truly am grateful for all the blessing I do have. I'm blessed with good friends and family that do soooo much for us. I'm going to be sad to move away. I guess it will make our get togethers all the sweeter.

Apr 30, 2010

In Honor of...

May being NATIONAL RUNNING MONTH, I am making the commitment to log a whopping 100 miles of running. There are 31 days in May and four Sundays of which I will not be running. That leaves me with 27 days to do this. This means that on average, I need to run 3.7 miles per day.


care to join me????

Apr 21, 2010


2 DAYS OF SCHOOL LEFT FOR THIS CHICA....I'm just sayin'. WAHOOEEEEEE times bazillion!!

Apr 7, 2010

I'm still alive...

I just wanted to write a quick blog to let everyone know....I'm still alive. My last post was on January 11, 2010 which was my first day of student teaching.

Little did I know that day, that it would consume my life completely!! I felt like I had just stepped into a different mode, a teacher mode and I haven't been in Cicily mode for a while. I'm not gonna lie. This has been one of the hardest experiences of my life. Maybe I'm just a stress-case, but I think that part of the problem is that I'm a perfectionist and want everything to always go right, but let me tell ya, as a teacher, there is always something that is not going to be perfect. On top of preparing lesson plans and writing a 50 page Teacher Work Sample, I have an Online English class that I'm struggling to get done in time. Not to mention that Cole is going to BYU-I in 2 weeks so right when I am done we are moving to Idaho Falls and we don't have jobs or a place to live......Oh gees.

Although this has been an extremely hard experience, I definitely have grown closer to my Heavenly Father. I think I've said more little mini prayers than I ever had in my life in the last 4 months. I feel bad for my husband more than anything. He is probably more ready for me to be done than I am. He is so great though and gives me pep talks all the time. I love him sooooo much and don't think I could do this with out him.

Well somebody call the waaaambulance right? I'm sorry for the negative post. I'm trying to find the joy in the journey. Elder Worthlin said, "Come what may and love it". So I'm trying my best to do this.

BUT, I only have 3 weeks left and then I'll be done with school forever and ever!! Then I'll be on to the apartment and job hunt.

I love you all and think about everyone all the time. Next time I post it will probably be graduation pics. YIPPEE!!!

Jan 11, 2010

back to school

Back To School
Back To School
To Prove To Dad That I'm Not A Fool
I've Got My Lunch Packed Up
My Boots Tied Tight
I Hope I Don't Get In A Fight
Back To School
Back To School
Back To School

~Adam Sandler Billy Madison

I started my student teaching a few weeks ago. This picture was taken the morning of my first day. Cole was so nice and packed me a lunch. He even put it a little treat in there and said that it was a surprise and that I'd have to wait until lunch to find out what it was. I felt like a little kid again nervous for my first day of school except now I am "Mrs. Seamons" and I am the one teaching and telling students to be quiet. I am seriously counting down the days until its done. It has been good. I'm a little overwhelmed at times, but it has been a good learning experience. I'm sure that it will come easier as I get used to it.

Jan 10, 2010

bring on a new decade

Bring on the new year! I have made some resolutions of course. They are kind of cliche, but that is what the new year is all about right? Cole's brother was here over the holidays and he talked us in to doing the Salt Lake City Half Marathon on April 17 so we are going to do it!!

Here are my goals for 2010:

1. run in a half marathon.

2. practice eating sensibly. some guidelines that I'm setting out are portion sizes. 5 servings of fruits and veggies. no pop except on special occasions. lots of water. 1 treat a day that is less than 200 calories and only if i exercised. whole grains. and low fat.

3. read the Book of Mormon every morning.

4. Go with the flow of life. aka...don't let things stress me out.

5. fit into a size 6 by June 1st. I can do this I know I can.

These are my goals. I am really excited to start running hard again. The last time I ran a half marathon was a couple of years ago and I love the feeling of training for and finishing a race. Who knows? Maybe I'll be up for a full marathon in 2010. ..but I don't know if I'm ready for that commitment quite yet.

Jan 6, 2010

here's to those who say they never win anything

Destiny...that is the word I would use to describe what I'm about to tell you. So a few weeks ago I was at Real Deal's Home Decor shopping for my friend's wedding gift. I already had a gift for her, but just wanted to get her a little something else. There was a drawing you could put your name in to win some stuff. So I thought "Hey, I'll give 'er a try". I was about to walk away, but decided to put Cole's name in the drawing too just in case.

Then a few days ago a weird number called me so I didn't answer the phone. I listened to the message and it was Real Deal's trying to get ahold of Cole. I thought it was really weird that they were trying to call Cole and just didn't call them back. They called me again, but I didn't answer cuz I thought that they were just trying to promote or sale something.

The same day I missed a call from a lady in my ward trying to get Visiting Teaching Reports done for December. I thought I'd call her back but couldn't remember which number was hers so I called the Real Deal's Number by accident. I said "uhhh I need to report my visiting to you..." The lady was like "who is this?"
"This is Cicily"
"Oh! Are you related to Cole?"
"Yes, that is my husband". She then proceeded to tell me that he had won the drawing and that they were trying to get ahold of him. She told us that we won a $100 visa card and a one-night- stay at the Black Swan Inn!!! Wowza! Destiny I tell ya...pure destiny. I almost didn't put his name in the drawing. And by accident I called Real Deal's back and I'm so glad that I did. Whew that would have been a bummer if I just kept screening her call. Too bad we didn't win it earlier for our 3 year anniversary that was a week ago. Oh well, we'll have another romantic evening coming our way. YIPEE!! And I always say that I never win anything. I'm eating my words.