Jan 8, 2011

Good Things

Things have been swell over in B-town. A lot of good and fun things have happened since I last blogged. I am loving my new job. I am so busy, but it makes the days go by fast. Everyone is so nice and I'm learning a ton. I get a lot of overtime so the extra moola is nice.

We got a new car! A 2008 Subaru Outback. It is nice to have a reliable car. We got a swingin' deal on it.

Thanksgiving and Christmas were great. We loved hanging out with the fams. Here are some pics. I have been slacking at taking pictures, but I tried hard to remember to take pics at Christmas.

Here is our meager little Christmas Tree.
I had the opportunity to get together with my pals from high school at our usual spot - 5th street Bagelry. I love you guys!! It was so great to see everyone.
We love to do puzzling at Christmas. Everyone worked hard to get the finished product.
This is Payzli, Cole's cousin's baby. Isn't she a cutie patootie? She makes me want to have one of my very own. The pictures is a little fuzzy.
The pooch wanted to come in and hang out too.
We played Just Dance and bowled on the Wii. It was a hoot.
We got lots of good gifts. We got an Xbox 360 Kinnect! Here are our stocking stuffers.
I got a gift card to the mall to go shopping.
My friend Ambie got me these slippers that I love. My feet were always cold...not anymore.
We celebrated our 4th anniversary December 29. Time has been flyin' by with a great guy like you Cole. Love you! You mean the world to me!

Cole bought the America's Test Kitchen Cookbook. If you like to cook, I highly recommend this cookbook to you. The recipes are awesome. Thanks for introducing it to us Hilary! I've always wanted to make a layered cake so Cole and I made this out of the cookbook. A lot of work, but yummy and pretty.
2010 was a rough year for me, but it ended great and I am determined to make 2011 da bomb!

Here are some of my goals:

1. My sister challenged Cole and I to read the Book of Mormon in 60 days starting January 10, so my goals is to turn the TV off a little earlier every night to read my scriptures.

2. Improve my fitness - Run two half marathons, get ripped for summertime. Not sure what my plan is yet, but I will blog about it once I get my workout plan put together.

3. Learn to play the guitar.

4. Try to live a healthier lifestyle full of lots of fruits and veggies with every meal.

Life is good. Until next time. Happy New Year All!


  1. i've eaten nine different recipes out of that cookbook and each one was so de-lish! glad you like it.

  2. So good to get an update! We played that Wii game too alot during Christmas---isn't so fun? I want to get that cookbook too, I've heard its fantastic! And I can't believe you guys have been married for 4 years!!! It does fly, huh? :) Miss you!

  3. Good to see your blog cicily. Glad you like it there and the job is good. Scott just moved from Boise to SLC.
    Also, they have that cookbook in a "healthy version" too. Shellee got it from stacy for christmas. Stacy has the regular one and loves it too. I guess I need to get me one.

  4. Looks like we need to get ourselves a new cookbook. Glad you guys are happy there. Don't forget, we're only a short 7 hour drive away!
    Love you lots.

    PS Just finished my reading for the day.

  5. what fun. glad you had such a great holiday.
