Sep 12, 2011

In all randomness...

Here are a few random thoughts on my mind today:

1. My lunches - I love my lunch breaks. I walk down to the capital building which is only like two blocks away and eat my lunch at a picnic table in the park. I usually read a book or catch up with friends or family with a phone call. I am so grateful for my job. Especially right now in this economy. It isn't what I want to do for the rest of my life or what I went to school for, but I love it and I love the people I work with.

A little Diet Coke in front of the Capital.
My new lunch pale

2. I can't believe football season is here. I told Cole that I think we watched about 48 hours of straight football last weekend. We're even watching it right as I type - Dolphins vs. Patriots. Cole is in mourning because he loves Notre Dame and they stink this year.

3. I'm excited. You want to know why? It's peach season! AND I LOVE PEACHES!

I ate two of these tonight.
4. A belated post - I meant to post about when we went to a Hawk's Minor League baseball game a couple of weeks ago, but I kind of forgot. We had a good time.

There was a giant Hawk's Mascot
Cole's cousin's baby was scared of it. What little child isn't scared of a giant in-your-face, give-you-a-high-five, lay-across-your-lap mascot?
5. I'm running a 10K in about 4 weeks and I'm going to die cuz I be a slacking these days.

6. Does anyone know of a good book to read? I just finished The Help and it was so good. Now, I don't want to read some dumb book because that book was so good.

Anyways those are my thoughts all randomness...


  1. You guys are so cute. Sorry about ND. Lee's text sounded like he was taunting but he was actually excited when ND went ahead and then it all went downhill from there.

    What a lovely lunch view!

    I'm glad that I am one of those lunch-time phone call recipients. Call everyday if you'd like.
    I'm happy you like your job so much. Remember what a struggle it was to find it?(and remember that rockin' outfit I helped you pick out for your interview?)And your awesome job you had for a few weeks before you started?

  2. Cicily you are looking soooo good as usual:) Hey unlike your sis, who already gets the calls, I would like to be ONE of those lunch phone calls:) monday wed and fri I am totally free during lunch. Give me a buz sometime, we need to catch up, it has been way too long.

  3. You and Cole look so cute. thanks for some pics of Boise for me. Hey, I just got done reading a great book. It is called Unbreakable by Laura Hillenbrand. It is about a guy who fights in wwII in Japan and he goes to the olympics as a runner (in the opposite order) I think you will really like it. It is kind of sad in some places. We are reading it for our bookclub and everyone has loved it. Very well written.

  4. ditto to what Sheerstie said! =) miss you Cic!
