Dec 7, 2009

holidays without junk in the trunk

I read a really good article from my SHAPE magazine that included tips on how to get through the holidays without gaining weight. The reason why I like this so much is because they don't say to deprive yourself of your favorite holiday treats, but they give you some really good ideas on how to eat what you want without packing on the poundage. (These tips were taken from the December issue of SHAPE and the article was written by Sharon Liao):)

1. Spoil your supper: You may think it a good idea to skip lunch or breakfast to save on those extra calories, but this could backfire on you. Make sure you eat throughout the day and most importantly, when you're headed to a party, eat a snack before (like an apple and string cheese) you go so that you are not ravenous when you get there.

2. Chew while you chop: When you are preparing food for your parties it is easy to rack up the calories just by tasting as you cook. So pop in a piece of mint gum to chew on so you are not tempted to graze as you cook.

3. Be a picky eater: When your faced with a decadent buffet, survey your options. Instead of tasting everything only choose what you really want - the holiday dishes that you love, that you only get once a year for example. And because it takes 20 minutes to get full wait that long to go back for seconds.

4. Take dainty bites: People who take big bites usually eat more, so take small bites. Also try to go with a small plate.

5. Think before you eat: People think that they have to get as much holiday food in them as possible because it comes once a year. But before you reach for a treat stop and ask yourself how hungry you really are. Also remind yourself that you can take that yummy chocolate fudge home to eat later. You could even freeze it and have it a month after the holidays.

6. Stay on the move: Gym attendance goes down in November and December. But working up a sweat is especially important in these months. Exercise burns extra calories and also helps boost the mood to help maintain stress.

7. Start skinny sipping: Juices and sodas carry alot of excess calories and sugar so why not just sip on a glass of water unless you are dying to have some hot cocoa or cider.

8. Keep your focus: When you are meeting up with old family and friends, it is easy to get caught up in your conversations which can distract you into not paying attention to what and how much you're eating so keep your focus and know what you are putting in your mouth.

9. Seize some ZZZ's: The holiday season is a busy time, but skimping on sleep is not a good idea. Not getting enough sleep lowers your leptin levels which are harmones that control how full you feel. When your exhausted, you feel hungrier, so get at least 8 hours of sleep this season.

And that is it! I am really going to try to implement these tips this holiday season. I don't want to deprive myself of holiday goodness, but I am going to try to really be smart about what I'm eating. And most importantly, I'm going to exercise!!



  1. hey that is all reeeeally good advice! I am so glad you posted that! We are not allowed to have our dog at our house, either. She has to live at my parents house for right now :( but we go and visit her almost every day. We try to walk her and when its not FREEEEEZing outside I like to take her on runs. But I am a bit lazy so far this winter..heh heh.

  2. Awesome, just what I needed! Thanks Cicily, your blog is an inspiration to me! Great work!
