Well turns out, this mommy thing is really time consuming and you never know what schedule a newborn is going to have. Oh and the sleep deprivation that occurs that drives you to take a nap the very second your baby takes one too.
Needless to say, my plans to get back in shape have been a lot harder than anticipated, but they are happening. I decided to cut myself a break. Quinn's only 3 months old!
Some of the things I have been doing are running with the stroller a few times a week, walking ALOT with Quinn in the baby Bjorne. I'll also do strength exercises with Quinn in my arms like squats and lunges and bicep curls. She is a chunk so it works pretty well. Getting in shape is hard no matter if you are a mom or not. The most important thing I think is that you make it a priority in your day and that you are being consistent. Consistency is the key! I always say that to Cole and he makes fun of me.
Nursing has helped me get to my pre-preggo weight, now I just need to get toned! We are going to San Diego in May 2014 so I will give myself til then to get in amazing shape.
Here's Quinnie just because!