Quinn Geneva Seamons was born June 15, 2013 at 4:22am and weighed 7 lbs 8 oz and was 21 inches long. She almost made it on her due date, but decided to come a few hours late. She has already been here a week and I can't believe it. She has totally changed our lives! Less sleep, less freedom, but totally worth it. We love her so much! She is our little gift from heaven.
I wanted to share my labor story because I always love reading other blogs stories and hope to turn my blog into a year book.
I had a doctor appointment June 10 and was only dilated to a 1. My doctor was going on vacation June 18 so we scheduled an induction for the 17 which I was not happy about. I didn't want induced at all especially on my first. I woke up on June 13 at 5 am and was having cramps and soon realized they were contractions. I didn't realize that contractions would feel like really bad menstrual cramps. I started timing them, and they were only 10 mins apart all day and until about 3am the next night they ran from 4 to 6 minutes apart. So I called the hospital to see what they thought. They said that because it was my first, I had to wait until they were 2-3 minutes apart. Ugh. I was in a lot of pain. I didn't get any sleep. I tried to pass the time, by staying busy, but it was hard when every 6 minutes I had to bend over and "he he haw" breath. I sat in a hot bath a couple times and just waited...
Cole had decided to go to work
since I was progressing so slowly, but when he called me to check on me, i started crying because I was scared. He said he was going to just come home so I didn't have to be alone. He was sweet and brought me some flowers.
I knew I should just call my doctor and see what he thought, but I am so stubborn, I didn't want to sound dumb because my contractions weren't being consistent. Cole finally just called our doctor and he was so nice. He had us meet him at his office even on his day off. So we went in and he checked me. I was dilated to a 4. He said, you guys wanna have a baby today?! I was so excited especially since it was her due date and I wouldn't have to be induced. He told us to grab some lunch and head over to the hospital. Yikes! Cole and I couldn't believe it was time.
So we went home and hung out for a couple hours. I'd rather do most of my laboring at home than at the hospital.
We got to the hospital around 4:30pm and they had me change and got my IV started. They had me start my antibiotics since I tested positive for Group B Strep. I had to get two doses of that before the baby got here. Each one had to wait 4 hours. Sheesh! Now it was just more waiting. It wasn't what Cole and I expected at all - lotsa waiting. Lotsa walking to get things moving along. I was still only having contractions about 6 minutes apart.
Coles parents were so excited, they came to visit and wish us luck. They ended up crashing at our house because it took a long time.
I'm not sure exactly what time my Dr. came in our room, I think it may have been around 10pm and said let's get things moving. So he broke my water. I was so nervous for this. I though it would hurt, but it didn't hurt at all. It did increase my contractions though. My contractions became much more intense and hurt sooo bad. I practically squeezed Cole's and the nurse's hand off every contraction. I made it to a dilation of 6-7 and decided to get the epidural. It was kinda hard to be still getting the epidural and having an intense contraction at the same time. But boy was that epidural heavenly. I know all I kept saying was why doesn't everyone get this, it feels so much better!!
They turned off the lights and let us sleep, checking on me every hour. My dilation was progressing I think because my body was finally relaxed. The nurse came in I believe at about 3:30am and said okay, are you ready to push? I was so nervous and excited because it was time for by baby to get here.
The nurse said this will probably take 2 hours and in my head I thought, I am no way taking 2 hours to push this baby out. I pushed and pushed hard. I pushed so hard it made me throw up. The Dr. kept saying she has dark hair. i could believe it. Cole looked so nervous, but he did such an amazing job coaching me along. It only took 45 minutes and she was here. They set her in my chest and she squealed. She was the most beautiful little thing I've ever seen!!
We had to stay in the hospital for 2 days because of my Group B Strep. It was probably a good thing because we were able to get more sleep.
She has been such a good baby. I could just hold her and stare at her even when she is awake through the night, I am so content holding her in my arms. We love you so much Baby Q!!
Cole holding her for first time.
Grandma Marsha and Quinn
Cousins Quinn and Cameron meet - only 10 days apart
Funny faces
1 week old!!