The theme for Biggest Loser this season is "No Excuses", which I think is great. Because right now I am full of excuses:
There is no way I can wake up at 6 am to work out...
It's too dark outside and I have no one to run with...
My neighborhood stinks to run in...
I just put in a 10 hour day at work, I deserve to sit on the couch and watch TV all night...
I can't wake up on time to make a healthy lunch...
They took me out to lunch - I had to get the big burger with greasy french fries...
Well, the truth is Cicily, there's always going to be a reason in your life why you "can't" workout or eat healthy. So unless you make it a priority in your life, then it's not going to happen. And it's not going to be any one's fault but yours. (Do you like how I'm talking to myself? I'm trying to give my self a pep talk).
Great news is Cole and I get to go to Hawaii in May! I am so excited and I really want to get in awesome shape, but I am having a hard time getting motivated. I just keep making up excuse after excuse. I kind of, well really let myself go during the holidays and now I have a lot of work to do. I'd really like to see myself looking good on this beach. :)
How do ya'll get past those excuses and get motivated even while you are corralling kids, working long hours, or just being too lazy? I need to get my health Mojo back! HELP!