They say they named New York City after the state because it was such a great city. So, is this true for Idaho City as well? Well........I don't know about that. Cole and I wanted to dig deep and find the adventure with in ourselves (ha ha that sounds kinda cheesy) so we decided to venture over to Idaho City, an old mining ghost town.
We actually had a really fun time. We packed a lunch and drinks in a cooler and walked around and looked at all the old western buildings. Here's a fun Idaho History fact for ya: Idaho City was once the biggest city in Idaho. People rushed there because gold was discover and mined there. A $250 million in gold was mined back in the day even more than the California gold rush. Now, the population of Idaho City is 458.
The first place that really caught our attention was this weird junk building that had a bunch of random crap all over on it. Those guys from American Pickers would die to get their hands on this place.
We thought that the Pest House was pretty interesting. They threw criminals and people with communicable diseases in here. Which seems very sad to me, but at the time they had no other means to control diseases.
They even had a fast draw competition going on. There were cowboys and cowgirls with their holsters ready to draw and shoot at targets. We are glad we are trying to be a little more adventurous, it makes life so much more interesting and fun. Next week, we're going on a river rafting trip down the Payette. Watch out for the new thrill seeking Cole and Cicily (not really...we can't hardly even go on a roller coaster, but we're trying!:))