Sep 4, 2009


Two weeks of school down, 14 left to go. Whoo! Did you ever just wake up in a bad mood and really had no certain reason to be mad, but you just feel grumpy? That's how I feel today. Its not that time of the month if thats what you are thinking, I just feel annoyed at the world. I'm feeling much better though now that I know I have the weekend ahead of me.
8:30 am UBWO
DB Chest flies (I think thats what they're called)12, 10, 8, 6, 12
Pushups 12

DB Upright row 12, 10, 8, 6, 12
Overhead pulldown 12 (I think thats what its called too, man I'm having brain farts as to what lifts are what.)

DB Shoulder Raises 12, 10, 8, 6, 12
DB Forward Shoulder Raises 12

Cable Machine Tricep Overhead Extensions 12, 10, 8, 6, 12
Cable Tricep Pulldowns 12

DB Bicep Curls 12, 10, 8 ,6,12
Preacher Curls 12
This was a good work out. I def think my tri's will be sore tomorrow. I love going to the gym on Friday because for some reason I think people are too lazy to go on Fridays so I have almost the whole gym to myself.

MEAL ONE - 9:30 am
Strawberry chocolate protein shake. mmm.

MEAL TWO - 12:15 pm
Tuna fish on one piece of whole wheat toast, salad with LF honey mustard dressing. I make a mean Tuna Fish - Light mayo, dijon mustard, cut up pickles, tuna fish (but it has to be the good chunk kind, chicken of the sea. We get it at Costco), and grated up LF cheese. Sometimes I put cut up red onions in it too and thats good, but we didn't have any.

Bad or good news first? Bad news is, I didn't pass the English Praxis II (which is an exam you have to pass to be a teacher, but I am going to take it again). I only missed the score by 5 points, I was so mad! Good news is I passed the Health Praxis II with flying colors. The English was hard and I haven't taken most of my English classes yet, actually I'm in them right now so hopefully I will pass the second time.

MEAL THREE - 3:00 pm
One string cheese, vanilla Light and Fit Yogurt, and some nuts.

MEAL FOUR- 5:15 pm
Chocolate PB Protein Shake. Yummo.
Didn't take a pic.?? Sorry. Ya know, I'm really horrible with meal four. Sometimes I eat it sometimes I don't. Always forgetin' to take I pic. Someday, I'll get this.

MEAL FIVE - 8:00 pm
Steaks, corn on th cob, and zuccini. So good. The corn was delicious. You should try grilling corn on the cob. It is so much better. The flavor is better and it is still kinda crispy. Oh so good. You just slab a little "I Can't Believe Its Not Butter" on them, place them on a piece of tin foil, sprinkle them with salt and pepper, roll them up in the tin foil, grill 'em, and wahla... you have yourself some tasty corn cobbin'. Zuccini was very good as well. I dipped them in some whole wheat flour and fried them in some olive oil. BFL approved? I dunno... they can't be that bad.

We went up to Cole's Parent's House cuz we're house sitting for them. Cole cooked us up some means steaks. They were huge. There's no way I ate that whole thing. I ate half and then Cole ate the other half, and I fed some to the dog. I'm still licking my chops! What's up with my pics? I know how to turn the right side...I'm just a little retarded. He's my cutie pie!I love this dog. Cira is her name. I want a dog just like her. We had to lock her out of the deck cuz she would be beggin up a storm for a taste of some steak. The whole time she had her nose stuck in the air cuz she could sniff the meat. This dog eats corn and apples like a human. She takes little bights at a time and uses her paws. It is hilarious. I don't think she knows she's a pooch.

MEAL SIX - 10:00pm
One large glass of ice water. I was way too full to eat anything!
Happy Friday!! Five days down. Tomorrow is a free day! Yippee!

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