Sep 8, 2009

Terrific Tuesday

Hello fellow bloggers! Back to school, back to school, to prove that I am not a fool. Got my boots tied tight, got my lunch packed tight, I hope I don't get in a fight. Oh back to school, back to school. lol. Cole always says that to me and no matter what, it all ways makes me laugh. My English classes were awful today. One of my teachers loves to randomly select people to answer questions and its so scary to me because I'm always afraid she's going to call on me and I'm going to make a fool of myself. The other one is freakin' hilarious, but he goes off on tangent and I have no idea what he is talking about. Well enough of my ramblin' and such. Today was DAY 9 and it my Lowerbody workout. OUCH!

UBWO - 9:00 am
Barbell Squats 12, 10, 8, 6, 12
Leg Press 12

DB Deadlifts 12, 10, 8, 6, 12
Leg Kickback Machine 12

Calf Raises 12, 10, 8, 6, 12
Leg Extensions 2x15
Tip-toe Lunges 12

Abs 20x6

Nothing gets you more sore than DEADLIFTS! Ouch... my hammies hurt already.

MEAL ONE - 10:00 am
Chocolate Strawberry Protein Shake, so thick had to eat it with a spoon.

MEAL TWO - 12:15 pm
Half a tuna, one string cheese, and an apple. I ate this in between classes. I found a nice little bench outside in the sun. It felt so good.

MEAL THREE - 2:30 pm
Blackbeans, Cottage Cheese, and ranch dressing mix. I read about this idea from the blog here. Except she uses garbonzo beans instead of blackbeans. The blackbeans were good, but I think that garbonzos would be better. It filled me up and was the perfect balance of proteins and carbs.

MEAL FOUR - 5:30 pm
Two Apple Cinnamon Rice Cakes with PB on them. We need to go grocery shopping really bad. I'm running out of snacks!

MEAL FIVE - 8:30 pm
Hamburgers with lean hamburger, tomatoes, lettuce, onion, on grilled whole wheat bread(I thought I'd give grilling the bread a try and it was great...try it!). Corn on the cob. Zuccini and onions. Every single item was grilled. I love grilling, it is so much healthier and it gives the food such a great flavor.

WE went to Costco. And when we go to Costco we usually always end of buying something. We decided to buy some Vanilla protein powder so that we can make things like oatmeal, pancakes, and protein smoothies. We also ended up buying some new tires for my car. Whoosh! THere goes our savings account.
MEAL SIX - 10:15 pm
Blueberry Vanilla Protein Shake. Very good. Tasted like a blueberry muffin to me.

Goodnight to all of you out there!

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