Sep 23, 2009

Cross Another Off the List

Oh Gees! As I type the smell of freshly popped popcorn is leaking into my nose. Why do you have to tempt me so Cole? I can almost taste it the smell is so strong. I am quite excited right now because I just finished a paper that is due tommorrow! I love crossing things of my list. American Lit Paper: CHECK. I'm the type of person who writes a list of things to do at the beginning of the week and then has great joy when I take my pen and slash it off the list. That was the second to last thing on my list. Next item of business: Sharing time. Body for Life went well today. I had a little mishap on my UBWO, but I didn't let it get to me. Here's how it rolled out:

I went to the gym to workout, but apparently there was a class in there at the moment so the teacher kicked me out. He was actually really rude about it. I wished I could've told him he was fat. ha. That's rude of me. I just find it ironic that a teacher that teaches a weight class is fat. Seems really hypocritical to me. Same reason why they say "never trust a skinny chef"'. They should be fat because they eat all their tasty food. ANyways I'm rambling so let us move on shall we.

MEAL ONE - 9:15 am
Peanut Butter Crave Protein Shake - Ice, water, 1 TB of PB, and vanilla protein powder.

MEAL TWO - 12:15 pm
Turkey Roll-up - WW Tortilla, Deli Turkey, mustard, green peppers, onions. mmm
1/2 of green apple

MEAL THREE - 2:30 pm
Strawberry Banana Light Yogurt, string cheese, mixed nuts

UBWO - 4:45 pm (this time a success)
Bench Press 12, 10, 8, 6, 12
Pushups 12

DB Flies 12, 10, 8, 6, 12
DB Rows 12

Shoulder Raises 12, 10, 8, 6, 12
Shoulder Press 12

DB Tricep Extensions 12, 10, 8, 6, 12
Tricep Dips 12

Bicep Curls 12, 10, 8, 6, 12
Preacher Curls 12

MEAL FOUR - 6:00 pm
2 Caramel Rice Cakes (I was hungry and dinner was coming soon)

MEAL FIVE - 7:00 pm
Baked Potato with Chili and FF sour cream. I wanted to put cottage cheese on it instead of sourcream, but we were all out. But the chili had 20 grams of protein in one serving! So I figured I was getting enough protein.

MEAL SIX - 9:00 pm
Peach-Strawberry Wonder Protein Shake (you like these cheesy names?)

Slice of Life - We saw Tod Blackington just a few minutes ago at Win-co. He is a local Celebrity. Local news channel 6, Anchor man. Ha.

I'm glad that my mouth has stopped salivating and that popcorn scent is slowly starting to go away. I am so ready for my nice cozy bed. NIGHT!

1 comment:

  1. Good for you. I smell popcorn and I must have it. Glad your list is going so well. Can't wait to hear the lesson.
