Jul 12, 2013

Being a mommy

I cannot believe Quinn has been here a month!! It felt like being pregnant dragged on and on especially near the end. Now time has been flying by and I swear every time I pick Quinn up, she's heavier. 

Motherhood has been good. It is definitely an adjustment, but it is amazing to know that this little girl is mine. I feel pretty lucky. She is a good eater and has pretty good temperament. She smiles at me all the time. Is that normal for a 3-4 week old? She is super active. Her legs and arms are constantly moving and she often works herself up because her arms are flailing all over. If I hold her arms down or swaddle her, she calms down.

I've been able to get her to sleep four hours at a time. So I feed her and put her down at 12:30 am and she'll sleep until 4:30 or 5 am. She'll eat again and then sleep from 7-9 or 10 am. So I guess I can't complain. She is so loud when she sleeps. She's a major grunter. I makes me wonder if she has an upset tummy. She grunts for hours! But she doesn't seem bothered by it so I just ignore it and try to sleep. 

I think the hardest thing for me so far is losing my freedom. It's hard when I can't even shower or eat or go to the store on a whim. But giving up my freedom is totally worth it when I look at my cute little girl. 

I can't wait to workout!! I should be able to start in a week or two. It will be interesting trying to balance getting back in shape and breastfeeding. 

Motherhood has been everything I've imagined and more. I feel so blessed that  Heavenly Father entrusted me with a healthy baby girl. I hope I can be the mommy she deserves! 

My new favorite picture of her.

Cole is such a great daddy. 

This picture makes me laugh. She's like yo yo...doing a gang sign


Can't kiss her little cheeks enough

One month postnatal. Can't wait to get this body back in shape. I haven't been sweaty in a long time and I can't wait to get my sweat on!

1 comment:

  1. I feel like she has already changed so much in the few days since we left. She is adorable. You already look great and once you start excercising again you'll be back in tip top shape in no time. Love ya!
