Oct 13, 2010


Timing is everything. And the last two months, I've truly learned to trust in the Lord's timing. The economy is rough right now. I came to Boise thinking I would get a job within the first few weeks we got here. This did not happen! And I was frustrated!! I applied and applied and applied, interviewed, interviewed, interviewed, and got denied, denied, and denied. After a while it really started to wear on my confidence. But I kept telling myself that something would come along. Every time I didn't get a job I would feel really sad and wonder what I did wrong or why they didn't like me.

Then a few weeks ago I got called for a phone interview. They liked me so they invited me in to do an in-person interview, then I did a second interview. It was a long process, but it was worth it because I GOT THE JOB!! And the cool thing is that it pays better and the hours are better than any of the other jobs I applied to before. So all the times I prayed to the Lord to please let me get this job and I didn't get the job, He knew what he was doing. He was holding me out for a way better job. I will be a receptionist at an Environmental Engineering Company. I am excited to go shopping for dress clothes. I feel very official because I get my own spot in a parking garage downtown and I ride an elevator to get to the office. Something about riding an elevator to get to work makes me feel important. Ha ha.

Trust in the Lord's timing. He knows what he's doing. I feel so grateful and feel like my prayers were truly answered!


  1. i feel like this is exactly what i am doing right now. congrats on the job Cic! I hope you love it! :)

  2. AWESOME!!!! I am so happy for you Cicily! You are amazing!

  3. Thanks for the reminder on trusting the Lord. I forget that often.
    I'm so excited for you. And jealous that you get to go shopping. I could help you pick out some power suits! After all I did help you choose that job-finding outfit!
    Love you!

  4. Thanks for the reminder. I needed it. Good luck at your job. You will be great
