Oct 12, 2009

Adventures of Autumn and Walmart

As much as I hate cold weather and snow, I just love the fall. I love the crispness in the air. I love the yummy pumpkins spice smells, and I love to see the beautiful colors of the leaves changing and crunching under my feet. So when Cole asked me if I wanted to go for a ride to see the leaves, I was excited because I have been begging him for the last two week if we could go. Well when he pulled up, he had the 4-wheeler hitched in the back of his truck and he came in and grabbed his gun and hunting pack. ah ha! So this is what this "looking at the leaves is all about isn't it?!" He tricked me into going with him just so he would have some company on another hunting adventure. Well, turns out it really was a beautiful ride. We did get to see some beautiful trees turning, but no trace of Bambi in sight. The road was a little rough, but it did turn out to be a nice little adventure/date with my hubby.

I must admit that BFL has been hard for me today and for the last couple of days. That time of the month (if ya know what I mean) just makes me get in a slump of feeling crummy and wanting to graze on everything I see. But I think I did okay considering the circumstances. I tried to eat clean, but I just get so "cravy" if that is a word. Here goes:

MEAL ONE - 9:30 am
Two eggs and 1 piece of WW toast.

MEAL TWO - 12:15 pm
Left over Taco on corn tortilla and an orange.

MEAL THREE - 1:45 pm
Banana Bread Protein Shake - 1/2 banana, ice, water, cinnamon, nutmeg, vanilla protein powder. mmm pretty close to the real thing.
Spoon full of Peanut Butter, Peanut Butter and 1/2 sliced banana on 1 piece of WW bread. Ha ha. This is where I started having the cravings if you can't tell. I don't know why, but the one thing I really crave a lot is Peanut Butter. Anybody know why? Maybe cuz its kinda salty and its also kinda sweet. ??

MEAL FOUR - 6:00 pm
Teriyaki Beef Jerkey. Cole says its a must when you're hunting. I checked out the nutritional info and it is actually very BFL friendly and it was tasty. I scarfed it down.

Slice of Life - Here are some pictures from our little ride. It started getting dark so the pictures don't do the area justice.
MEAL FIVE - 7:30 pm
Old Fashioned Oats, Light n' Fit Yogurt, and vanilla protein powder. Another left over taco was my only other choice and I've eaten that like that last 4 days. We need to go shopping which leads me to my next point...

Slice of Life -Remember those chicken wings that we found feathers in that totally grossed us out? Well we took them back to Win-co and the customer service lady was sooo rude to us. Anyways we thought we'd give Walmart a chance for a place to shop since we're holding a mini grudge (lol) against Winco right now. Let me tell you that I HATE WALMART! Win-co we miss you with your highly stocked shelves and variety of choices. We miss your bulk sections and your small container of cottage cheese. Walmart didn't have garbanzo beans. They didn't have small containers of cottage cheese. Just these ginormous ones. Their shelves were wiped clean. (Although we did get some Cracklin' Oat Bran which I know is your favorite Molly. Its Cole's too) Ugh. We forgive you Win-co and we will be back shortly.

MEAL SIX - 10:00 pm
2 Rice Cakes. Turkey dipped in Dijon Mustard. weird combo huh? I told you I was "cravy". I can't imagine what I'll be like when I'm preggo some day.

NO UBWO today. I stink! I'm in the slumps. Bad start to the second six weeks on BFL. BAD BAD! I'm going to double it up tomorrow. Well what a day of adventures! It was a fun Monday. I know that I can get through this challenge I just gotta keep my eyes on what I really want. I need to remember my goals! Tomorrow is a new day! Goodnight!

Cicily :)

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